Instructions Prior to Surgery
In order to optimize treatment, swelling and discomfort please follow these instructions prior to your surgery:
- Avoid taking aspirin or any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. ie; Advil, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Dolobid, etc. 3-5 days prior to surgery.
- If these medications or any other anticoagulants have been prescribed to you by your physician advise us at the time of your consultation so we may discuss this with your MD.
- Please rinse with the antibacterial mouth rinse prescribed starting 2 days prior to surgery.
- DO NOT wear contact lenses the day of surgery.
- Remember to have a light breakfast and wear loose & comfortable clothing.
- DO NOT drink caffeinated drinks the day of the surgery.
- DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages 2 days prior to surgery and 4 days after your surgery. Alcohol can cause excess bleeding & swelling/pain.
- Take all prescribed medications as directed, unless you have been told otherwise. DO NOT drive or operate machinery while under the influence of prescription pain medication ie; narcotics.